FES is celebrating Veterans Day on Monday, November 11, 2024. We will read information about Veterans Day on the morning announcements and we would be honored to host our veterans for a light breakfast and assembly. Please RSVP here by November 4 if you plan to attend our event. Due to space, we only ask that our veterans join us for this event. In honor of our veteran family members, we would love to highlight people in your life who have served our country. If your child would like to share information about the Veteran(s) in their family, please help them to create a mini poster. The students can do this electronically with this google slide or can create their own! Please note that these will be on display and may not be returned. If you do not have access to a color printer, please email to jomika_tatum@hcpss.org by Nov 6 to ensure time to print the finished product.